Franco O'Malley Franco O'Malley

Perspective… and Imposter Syndrome!

Well, here is something that I used to feel was isolated to musicians and artists, but come to find out, most of us suffer from imposter syndrome to some extent. A number of people don’t even know what imposter syndrome is or that they have it. So for those of you who don’t know…

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Franco O'Malley Franco O'Malley

Best Friends, Welcome to the New Site

Hey there, Best Friends, and welcome to!

This has been a loooong time in the making. A lot of you have been here for part—if not most—of this journey, but for those of you that are new... my name is Franco! I grew up right here in North Central Massachusetts, and music has always been a focus in my life. My journey with it has been nothing short of incredible.

It all begins waaaay back in the 1900s, around the turn of the century. By coincidence, luck, or what I now realize had to be fate, I stumbled into a bar that just so happened to be holding an open mic. I didn’t even know open mics

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